In 1961 in the city of Alma-Ata the first set on a speciality "Architecture" at engineering-building faculty in the Kazakh polytechnical institute has been declared.
The initiator and the main organizer of it was Toleu...
As part of training staff SB RSE «Gosexpertiza » took part in the seminar «Training of internal auditors of an integrated system management organization in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, MS ISO 14001:...
In Agency on affairs of construction and housing and communal services the presentation of the working draft «the Triumphal arch in area of crossing of street Orynbor and street # 25 of city of Astana» on October, 24th, 2011...
In capital of Republic of Azerbaijan city Baku, on 20-21th October 2011, 5 session of the Commission on pricing in building activity of the states-participants CIS took place.
Delegations of the Russian Federation, Republic...
С 17 по 20 октября 2011 года в городе Астана проведен ТОО «Интерсерт Консалтинг Центр Азия» республиканский семинар-обучение на тему: «Подготовка менеджеров и внутренних аудиторов СМИБ (ISO 27001:2005)». В данном семинаре-...
В соответствии с программой повышения квалификации сотрудников РГП «Госэкспертиза», с 20 по 21 сентября 2011 года состоялся семинар с участием специалистов – экспертов Головного предприятия, территориальных подразделений РГП...
В рамках программы повышения квалификации сотрудников РГП «Госэкспертиза» на 2011 год с 17 по 20 октября текущего года в городе Астане был проведен республиканский семинар «Подготовка менеджеров и внутренних аудиторов СМИБ (...
The union of town-planners of Kazakhstan and akimat of Kyzylorda area October, 13-14th, 2011 in the city of Kyzylorda it is held 10-th anniversary Town-planning forum «Kazakhstan - 2011», devoted to the 20 anniversary of the...
Within the limits of the program of improvement of professional skill of employees RSE «Gosexpertiza» for 2011 from October, 17 till October, 20th current year in the city of Astana has been held a republican seminar «...
On October, 20th, 2011 in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services held the technical meeting with presentation of the working draft «Reconstruction of the city park...
According to the plan staff development SB RSE «Gosexpertiza» participated at the national seminar of Internal Auditors ISMS (ISO 27001:2005) »organized by RSE «Gosexpertiza» which was held in Astana from 17 to 20 October...
In Agency of Republic Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services on October, 13th, 2011 there has passed presentation of the technical-economic feasibility «Reconstruction and expansion of...
The unique layout of the park is implemented. Builders are putting the finishing touches on the outline of a new recreation area, but now many Shymkent come here to hang out with family.
"Residents deserve such beauty - with...
In the city of Astana on October, 4th, 2011 took place a seminar-meeting with participation of experts of all territorial divisions RSE «Gosexpertiza», and also responsible experts RSE «KazNIISSA» concerning monitoring the...
4 октября 2011 года в городе Астана состоялся семинар-совещание с участием сотрудников территориальных подразделений РГП «Госэкспертиза», а также с участием руководителя сектора мониторинга цен на строительные материалы,...
On October, 7th, 2011 in Kyzylorda there has passed the International scientific-practical conference «Modern ecological condition of Aral sea, prospects of the decision of problems». As organizers of this forum RSE «...
За 9 месяцев 2011 года филиалом выдано 140 экспертных заключений по проектно-сметной документации на строительство, реконструкцию и капитальный ремонт объектов с общей заявленной стоимостью 24,989 млрд.тенге, рекомендованной...
Dear architects! Today is your holiday - World Day of Architecture. You have chosen a profession that has always been a need for people, which is the ornament of life. One has only to recall the invaluable contribution of...