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Round table on the theme "Combating corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Round table on the theme "Combating corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
Round table on the theme "Combating corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Chief specialist of Department of the Agency for civil service Affairs and anti-corruption in the North-Kazakhstan region, Sataniv A. E.
The President of our country N.. Nazarbayev in his Message of January 31, 2017, "the Third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" will take corruption to the threat to national security.
And it is no coincidence that corruption has a detrimental effect on all spheres of society: economy, social sphere, politics.
With the adoption in 2014 on the initiative of President of Kazakhstan – Leader of nation N.. Nazarbayev's anti-corruption strategy for 2015-2025 was clearly marked transition to a qualitatively new approach anti-corruption policy by using predominantly preventive measures aimed at prevention of corruption. Due to the considerably reduced level of corruption, reduced administrative barriers, improved the quality of public services.
In his speech of Satan A. E. talked about the state of corruption in SKO, of corruption risks in the public sector, international rating, as well as the results of sociological research 2016, according to which the number of detected corruption crimes in this sphere has increased two times.
During the meeting, the branch staff explained the Rules on the promotion of persons who report cases of corruption and also shows videos on anti-corruption topics.
In turn Satan A. E. urged the employees to a zero tolerance and prevent corruption offenses.