In the DGP "Kostanaygosekspertiza" a presentation of the modern insulating material "Isollat" was held.
On November 13, 2008, presentation of the thermal insulation material "Isollat" took place at the DGP "Kostanaygosekspertiza". Official representatives of the companies Serafim LLC (Chelyabinsk) and SVSHBildingGroup (Kostanay) introduced the presentation of the leading experts of Kostanaygosexpertiza and representatives of design organizations in Kostanay and Kostanay oblast about the merits and advantage of using the Isollat material in comparison with traditional materials. A specialist from Serafim LLC spoke about the quality of the final coating, which has an attractive appearance, and provides high thermal and corrosion protection for walls, ceilings and roofs both outside and inside buildings, roofs of vehicles, refrigerating chambers, steam pipes, etc. At the end of the presentation, a discussion was held with the experts of Kostanaygosexpertiza on the application of these materials in the projects for construction, overhaul, reconstruction of buildings and structures in the Republic of Kazakhstan.