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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
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Revision of Celebrating the "Builder's Day" professional holiday from 2016-08-22

Celebrating the "Builder's Day" professional holiday
Celebrating the "Builder's Day" professional holiday
In the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Almaty, Kazakhstan pays great attention to the creation of creative and open to innovations an atmosphere conducive to a high level of involvement of our employees in the solution of the main tasks and creating awareness of the unity and internal cohesion. One of the important factors in the formation of corporate culture is a collective holding of celebrations. So, August 20, 2016 at the recreation center "Lesnaya Skazka" passed a corporate event dedicated to the professional holiday - the Day of the builder, which were highlighted and awarded distinguished employees who have made a significant contribution to the construction industry of Kazakhstan. Expert production department Insanbaeva MM was awarded "Honorary құrylysshy" badge, and was handed a letter of thanks to the chairman of the Committee for Construction and Housing NEM RK - Director of the branch Lekerovu SO and expert production department Argimbaevu DB Letter of thanks of akim of Almaty awarded the expert production department Krutov AA Letters of thanks of the deputy akim of Almaty Makezhanova SA experts awarded the production department Kozhakulov BK Tomanov MM, DD Kurumbaeva, Shapovalova IV, LA Konovalov, head of the composite department Husainov AG, chief specialist of the Department of consolidated Abidkulova M. E. Diplomas of the NGO "Association of Builders of Kazakhstan" experts Meyzenburg been awarded EN, Zinkovska NE, Kanahin IU, Litovnik VA Certificate of Honour of NGO "The branch trade union of workers of construction complex and housing and communal services of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was awarded the chairman of the trade union committee, deputy head of the composite department Sadyhanova GB Letters of thanks the director of the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Almaty Chief Accountant Eszhanova were marked GN, Chief Administrative Officer AK Akino, chief specialist of administrative department Isagalieva DN, a leading specialist of administrative department Kuatbekova AS Corporate event was full of various contests that left none of those present in the side. The winners were awarded with souvenirs. This event is even more united our team, all employees went home with an incredible vivacity and positive.