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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

«An explanation of processes of carrying out complex non-departmental examination of projects in connection with changes in the legislation»

«An explanation of processes of carrying out complex non-departmental examination of projects in connection with changes in the legislation»
«An explanation of processes of carrying out complex non-departmental examination of projects in connection with changes in the legislation»
On February 18, 2016 in RSE branch of «Gosexpertiza» on the Aktyubinsk area (further – branch) passed on the meeting on an explanation of processes of carrying out complex non-departmental examination of projects (further – CNE) in connection with changes in the legislation. The meeting was held in the mode of a round table with participation of customers and the design organizations during which the following questions were considered: 1. Scheme of carrying out complex non-departmental examination. 2. Resource method of determination of cost of project works. 3. Determination of cost of carrying out complex non-departmental examination. 4. Transfer of part of functions on carrying out complex non-departmental examination of projects on competitive field. 5. Work with a uniform portal on carrying out complex non-departmental examination in the online mode. The staff of branch in detail described the step-by-step instruction of carrying out complex non-departmental examination of projects in a schematical form of its contents: acceptance of construction projects (the feasibility report and the design and estimate documentation) together with initial documents (by means of an electronic portal); the conclusion of contracts (for customers, which are the subjects of system of government procurements according to the Law RK No. 434V ZRK of December 4, 2015 «About Government Procurements»); general and detailed scheme CNE; basic provisions of a resource method of determination of cost of project works (the order No. 399-нқ of 15.12.2015); the changes in the legislation made since January 1, 2016 concerning transfer of projects to the market and determination of technical and technological complexity of object; demonstration of work with a uniform portal on carrying out complex non-departmental examination of projects in the online mode by means of a private office (registration of the user, loading of documentation, sending the demand, receipt of remarks of experts and providing answers, obtaining the summary conclusions and motivated refusals). Each speech of the staff of branch was followed by display of evident materials and reduction of the general examples. Continuation of meeting took place in a a question-answer format, where acting, within the competence, answered numerous questions of attendees. The meeting results with concluding remarks were summed up by the RGP director of the RSE branch of «Gosexpertiza» on the Aktyubinsk area Botenbayev Zh.Zh., having pointed about need of timely execution of requirements of the legislation for the sphere of architecture, town planning and construction, improvement of quality of the developed feasibility reports and the design and estimate documentation to construction, and also about continuation of further interaction of the state non-departmental examination of projects, branch examinations, customers and the design organizations.