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Discussion of the Resolution of the government of RK №234 "About the approval of the Plan of measures for 2015 - 2017 on realization of Anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 - 2025 and to counteraction to shadow economy"

Discussion of the Resolution of the government of RK №234 "About the approval of the Plan of measures for 2015 - 2017 on realization of Anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 - 2025 and to counteraction to shadow economy"
Discussion of the Resolution of the government of RK №234 "About the approval of the Plan of measures for 2015 - 2017 on realization of Anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 - 2025 and to counteraction to shadow economy"
Discussion of the Resolution of the government of RK №234 "About the approval of the Plan of measures for 2015 - 2017 on realization of Anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 - 2025 and to counteraction to shadow economy"

On October 23, 2015 RSE branch of "Gosexpertiza" on the Aktyubinsk area (further – branch) carried out lecture conversation on discussion of the Resolution of the government of RK of April 14, 2015 №234 "About the approval of the Plan of measures for 2015 - 2017 on realization of Anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 - 2025 and to counteraction to shadow economy" with participation of the consultant of Department of RK Agency for public service and to counteraction of corruption on the Aktyubinsk area of Konyrbayev A.S.
Konyrbayev A.S. had told about formation of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for public service and to counteraction of corruption instead of the liquidated fight Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan against economic and corruption crime and stated the work of Agency. Also there was discussed the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" – a new political policy of the taken place state". Konyrbayev A.S.: "Strategy brings corruption to the level of direct threat of national security and aims the state and society at association of efforts in fight against this negative phenomenon. The main strategic document of our country reflecting a principled stand of Kazakhstan on this important question forms a basis of anti-corruption policy of the state in the forthcoming years".
The anti-corruption service created all conditions for the free address of citizens with the message on the corruption facts, including, by means of telecommunication and websites of government bodies.
In case of manifestation of corruption violations, citizens of Aktobe can immediately address to law enforcement agencies, and also on ph.: 72-83-36 (telephone hotline) or 1494 (call-center).
Counteraction of corruption in the sphere of public service, introduction of institute of public control, counteraction of corruption in the quasi-public and private sector, the prevention of corruption in courts and law enforcement agencies, formation of level of anti-corruption culture, development of the international cooperation concerning corruption counteraction – the main tasks of Strategy.
Improvement of quality of rendering the state services to the population, trust of society to institutes of the state, level of legal literacy and anti-corruption culture of citizens, and also improvement of the international ratings of the country has to become result of realization of Strategy.
Within this directions the new laws "About Corruption Counteraction", "About Public Control", "About Access to Public Information" which will allow to reconsider the concept "corruption" will be developed and adopted and to carry out accurate differentiation between corruption offenses, to create and introduce system of civil control in activity of the state, to provide a free access of citizens to public information.
At the end of lecture was shown the video on the subject "Anti-corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan", the staff of branch asked the questions interesting them on which were received irrefragable answers.
We express huge gratitude to Department of RK Agency for public service and to counteraction of corruption on the Aktyubinsk area and his representative Konyrbayev A.S., for carrying out substantial and useful conversation with the staff of branch.