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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Seminar on the main functions of the File Register

Seminar on the main functions of the File Register
Seminar on the main functions of the File Register
Within the Plan of professional development of the staff of Aktyubinsk area branch of RSE «Gosexpertize» (further – branch) for 2015 and for improvement of document flow activity of branch, the chief of summary department of branch Umirzakov E.A. participated in a seminar on the subject «File Register», organized and carried out by «BSP Archiv Audit» LLP on September 28-29, 2015 in Almaty. Lectures of a seminar were given by the director of «BSP Archiv Audit» LLP Bayzakova Sh.P., which lectures raised the questions of drawing up, maintaining the File Register according to Gosstandart RK of ST RK 1037-2001 «Office-work and archiving. Terms and definitions», File Register and uniform standards of formation of affairs, drawing up list of documents, main functions of the File Register and other. Bayzakova Sh.P. notes: «The File Register is the systematized list of names of the cases opened in the organization, with the indication of terms of their storage, issued in accordance with the established procedure. File Register is the obligatory document for any organization which has to be made according to all requirements». On the termination of a 2-day course, to Umirzakov E.A. was handed the Certificate on passing of advanced training course. The branch expresses gratitude to organizers of a course for the given opportunity will be trained in skills of business management in the organization according to requirements.