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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Sums of the RSE “State expertise” branch activity in Pavlodar region about the examination resuts on project-estimate documentation on construction for the fist half of 2015.

Main production indices of the branch acticity in the first half of 2015
According to the RSE “State expertise” branch data in the first half of 2015 on Pavlodar region 268 units of the documentation on construction were examined, which comprised 74% in comparison with the corresponding period of 2014, with the total declared (calculated) estimate cost of building 129,42 billion tenge. 251 out of those units were recommended to the assertion, which comprised 71% in comparison with the appropriate analogous period 2014, with the total estimate (calculated) cost of building 110,492 billion tenge.
As a result examination due to the low documentation design quality, which is characterized by the presence of numerous omissions and disturbances of normative requirements,16 units of documentation with the total declared (calculated) estimate cost of building 10,862 billion tenge were returned for modification.
As a result of documentation design correction on the State expertise observations and the application of the recommended with it proposals, as well as an exception of the unjustified and nontarget expenditures, the total declared estimate (calculated) cost of building in the projects was lowered to 8,067 billion tenge, including government investment financed projects of 7,149 billion tenge.
Main indicators of RSE “State expertise” branch on Pavlodar region in the Kazakhstanbuilding projects content, reconstruction and the innovation repair, passed state examination in the first half of 2015.
Information in the Kazakhstan building projects content, passed state examination in the first half of 2015.
For the implementation of Kazakhstan Republic government's etiquette decisions RSE “State expertise” is accomplishing constant monitoring of Kazakhstan building project content, represented in the examination.
Carried out analysis of Kazakhstan content building projects content examined by State expertise showed, that the portion of domestic construction industry production in the first half of 2015 comprised of 86,5% from the resource cost. Including:
- this index comprised on the objects of civil housing building 88%;
- on the objects of the engineering and municipal infrastructure – 87,3%;
- on the objects of the railroad and highway building – 87%;
- on the objects of the main utility networks – 87%;
- on the objects of the industry – 81,3%.
During the innovation repair and the reconstruction of the existing units Kazakhstan content share comprised of 90%.
In all projects, together with the produced in Kazakhstan building materials and the articles, folloqwing equipmentt was used: domestic thermal insulation and roofings, sanitary-engineering articles (bath steel, heating radiators), and also surfacing materials of Kazakhstan commodity producers (dry construction mixtures, gypsum-pasteboard sheets, water-emulsion paints and others).
Up to now Kazakhstan Republic lacks the production of:
- small size pipes from the metal for the internal separation of the conduits of engineering systems;
- effective roofings, construction glass, the glazed ceramic plates and tiles, sanitary-engineering articles made of ceramics, the outdoor coatings, etc;
- laboratory equipment for the schools, hospitals and other units of public health, and also engineering equipment and lift facilitiy machines for the objects of civil housing designation;
- highly productive pumps, electrotechnical equipment, articles and the equipment of high-voltage lines and electrical substations;
- technological equipment for the objects of natural gas industry and equipment of energy branch.