Время приёма посетителей с 09:00 до 12:30 часов
Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Seminar on "Geoinformation technology to create circuits, electronic models of heating systems and steam supply. Expertise of engineering calculations for the design of external communication"

Seminar on "Geoinformation technology to create circuits, electronic models of heating systems and steam supply. Expertise of engineering calculations for the design of external communication"
Seminar on "Geoinformation technology to create circuits, electronic models of heating systems and steam supply. Expertise of engineering calculations for the design of external communication"
Seminar on "Geoinformation technology to create circuits, electronic models of heating systems and steam supply. Expertise of engineering calculations for the design of external communication"

The program of staff development, the expert group of utilities and facilities for production of a branch of RSE "Gosexpertize" Aktobe area Kuzdibaeva S.R. participated in a seminar on "Geoinformation technology to create schemes, electronic models of heating systems and steam supply. Expertise of engineering calculations for the design of external communication", organized by LLC "Politerm" and passed the July 14-18, 2014 in the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.
The seminar was held under the supervision of the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Kritskii G.G. and consulting engineer Zhukov R.A.
The main objective of the seminar - the study of computer information system «ZuluThermo», which developer is LLC "Politerm".
The purpose of the program is to carry out calculations of heating systems based on GIS Zulu using software-settlement complex ZuluThermo, which allows the examination of engineering calculations external heating networks presented work projects.
At the end of learning through ZuluThermo every expert has verified the correctness of engineering decisions taken on the real object, on which was previously issued a positive conclusion of the examination.
The workshop was conducted audit work, after which the participants were awarded certificates of completion of the seminar.