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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

The review and studying of changes in legislative regulation of government procurements in 2014

The review and studying of changes in legislative regulation of government procurements in 2014

On February 13-14, 2014 within the Plan of professional development of staff of branch RSE "Gosexpertize" of the Aktyubinsk area for 2014, in Alma-Ata the chief specialist (the accountant, on government purchases) of branch RSE "Gosexpertize" of the Aktyubinsk area Urazbayeva L.K. participated in the seminar, organized and carried out by “ICFED-Kazakhstan” LLP on the subject "The review and studying of changes in legislative regulation of government procurements in 2014".
The seminar took place under the leadership of lecturer Olkhovaya S.V. – the lawyer, the author of the magazine "The state order. Questions and answers" which lecture opened the basic concepts about government procurements, were considered questions of implementation of government procurements by way of competition, purchase from one source, a choice of the supplier with use of request of price offers, government procurements by way of auction, government purchase through commodity exchanges, and many other things.
But the main subject of a seminar was the question of changes in normative legal acts government procurements concerning carrying out in 2014.
Also, the lecturer raised the question of an order of the conclusion of the contract of government procurements.
During the lecture by participants of the seminar, working in different fields of activity, were set a number of questions concerning practical experience of the lecturer.
On seminar end the corresponding certificates were handed over to all listeners.