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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

About session of board of Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services

About session of board of Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services

The expanded meeting of board of Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services on November 24, 2011 took place, in which work representatives of again formed territorial structural divisions of Agency concerning state architectural building control and licensings, and also heads RSE «Gosexpertiza», RSE «KazNIISSA», JSC «Kazakh Vodokanalproect», JSC «Kazakhstan Center of modernization and development of housing and communal services», JSC «Zhilstroysberbank Kazakhstan» also have taken part, JSC «Kazakhstan fund of warranting of mortgage», JSC «Mortgage organization «KIK».
About results of activity of Agency for 9 months 2011, performing discipline and about measures on maintenance of execution of the budget of 2011 the responsible secretary of Agency S.Dembay has acted.
About expected results of housing construction and prospects of its further development with participation of financial institutions has acted the Deputy chairman of Agency Tikhonyuk N.
Director of department state architectural building control, supervision, licensing and certification G. Abdraymov has reported on the organization and plans of the further work of territorial bodies.
About results of work of state expertise of projects General Director RSE «Gosexpertiza» has acted B.Yerezhepov for 10 months of current year and problems on forthcoming and the next years.
The republican meeting took place in second half of day in RSE «Gosexpertiza» with participation of the representative of Department of architecture, design works and budget norms of Agency and heads of all territorial divisions of system of state examination. Here questions of improvement of quality of projects, news about forthcoming reforms in a control system of development of projects, transition to resource methods in definition of cost design and survey and civil and erection works, and also other industrial questions were discussed.