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Nikolai Petrovich was awarded the title "Astana қalasynyn қurmettі Azamat"


At the session of the maslikhat of Astana, three citizens of the city were awarded the title of honorary citizens of Astana - "Astana қalasynyң құrmettі Azamats" for their contribution to the formation and development of the capital. For the title "Astana қalasynyn қurmettі Azamat" - Honored Builder of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nikolai Tikhonyuk, under his leadership various objects were built in the capital, he made a great contribution to the construction of Astana. Over the years, our capital has turned from a small town into a metropolis - into an educational, medical, cultural and business center. The development and prosperity of our capital is connected, first of all, directly depends on the work of citizens. In this regard, the title "Astana қalasynyn қurmettі Azamat" was awarded for a significant contribution to the formation and development of the capital. The Mayor of Astana asked the deputy of maslikhat to support the assignment of the title of honorary citizens of Astana to Serik Akshulakov, Kaisar Omarov, Nikolai Tikhonyuk.