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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

A meeting on construction work was held in Atyrau region.


On June 23, 2023, a meeting was held in the Atyrau Region Department of the RSE Gosexpertiza branch together with the Atyrau Region Construction Department with the participation of designers of the Atyrau Region. The following design organizations were present: AsemZhobaҚұrylys LLP, KazMunaiGazEngineering JSC, Nasar Sautions LLP, Embamunaigas JSC, NIPI Kaspiymunaigas JSC, BatysEcoConsulting LLP, Caspian Engineering LLP, ArkhiSat LLP, ArkhiGroup LLP, Shyndau LLP, Qenes Enginering LLP. A question-and-answer session was held, thanks to which they were able to ask questions of interest and get qualified answers from specialists. Issues were raised regarding the set of work projects, the architectural part of work projects, AGSK and PIR and it was decided to hold such meetings on a regular basis once a month