Время приёма посетителей с 09:00 до 12:30 часов
Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

How is the fight against corruption?


In the branch of the RSE "Gosexpertiza" in the Eastern region, a meeting was organized on the prevention of corruption. The meeting participants were explained changes and additions to the law, as well as mechanisms for preventing illegal actions. During the event, the senior officer of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the East Kazakhstan region Gulnur Aitkurmanovna spoke about the reforms and innovations being carried out in this direction. For the convenience of the participants, a video conference was organized via Zoom. The main purpose of the conference is to clarify the requirements for the adopted anti-corruption standards, with the latest amendments to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption." All employees of the branch of the RSE "Gosexpertiza" in the Eastern region (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Pavlodar, Semey) took part in online meetings. At the end of the meeting, Gүlnұr Aytқұrmanқyzy answered all issues of interest in the field of combating corruption.