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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84


По материалам газеты "Кызылординские вести"
В ходе рабочей поездки в Караганду министр индустрии и новых технологий РК Асет Исекешев посетил АО «Международный научно-производственный холдинг «Фитохимия» и ТОО «Карагандинский фармацевтический комплекс.
In the city of Kostanay in the building of KGP "Regional Blood Center" of the UZ Akimat of the Kostanay region On 02-03 April 2012 a seminar was held on the theme: "Amendments and additions to the legislation on public...
Scientific and technical information center «Progress» (the Russian Federation, St.-Petersburg) 26 - on March, 30th, 2012 was held the international seminar «Fiber-optical communication lines. Designing. Construction and...
Pursuant to the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020, and the State Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development of Kazakhstan in 2010-2014 as part of the main priorities of the...
На благоустройство Карагандинской области планируют потратить 4 млрд тенге. Эта информация была озвучена в ходе селекторного совещания, проведенного главой региона Абельгази Кусаиновым. «В текущем году за счет местного...
В г.Самаре в выставочном центре «Экспо-Волга» с 14 по 17 марта 2012 года прошла 19-ая международная специализированная выставка «Стройиндустрия». От ДГП «Запгосэкспертиза» (Республика Казахстан) выставку посетили Искиндиров...
По материалам газеты "Кызылординские вести"
From 18 to 20 March 2012 at RSE "Gosexpertiza" (Astana) held a national seminar on the new platform, the automated system "AS Gosexpertiza", which was attended by the chief specialist of the expert document and monitor the...
From 18 to 20 March 2012 in the Republican State Enterprise "State Expertise" (Astana) held a national seminar on the new platform, the automated system "AS Gosexpertiza", which was attended by IT-specialist Nechaev II...
From March 18 to March 20, 2012, the RSE "Gosexpertiza" (Astana) hosted a republican seminar on the new platform of the automated system "AS Gosexpertiza", in which the chief specialist of the DGP "Kostanaygosekspertiza" The...
From March, 18 till March, 20th, 2012 in RSE «Gosexpertiza» (Astana) has been held a republican seminar on a new platform of the automated system «AS State examination» in which IT-experts of all territorial divisions of...
С 18 по 20 марта 2012 года в РГП «Госэкспертиза» (г. Астана) был проведен республиканский семинар по новой платформе автоматизированной системы «АС Госэкспертиза», в котором приняли участие IT-специалисты всех...
The employee of Production department took part in a republican seminar on work with uniform system of electronic of documents (ЕDMS) the organized by RSE «Gosexpertiza» , which took place in Astana from March 19 to March 20...
According to the approved program of improvement of professional skill of workers RSE «Gosexpertiza» for 2012 experts of sector of engineering networks and constructions have accepted on March, 12-17th, 2012 participation in...
From March, 29 till March, 2nd, 2012 in city Almaty has passed the International technological seminar on a theme: «The automated control system and energy accounting - the civilized method mutual calculations for...
By the invitation of LLC «KazGeoSintetika» experts RSE «Gosexpertiza» from February, 24-26th, 2012 have visited a factory in the village Kairat of Almaty area and have familiarized with manufacture of geosynthetic materials...
The presentation of the technical-economic feasibility on March, 1st, 2012 took place in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services «Construction of gas pipeline «West-North...