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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84


In pursuance of the Plan of vocational education of workers of RSE Gosexpertiza for 2018, from June 11 to June 15, 2018 experts of RSE "Gosexpertiza" Baymamyrova G. R. and Begisheva S.V. participated in a seminar on the...
June 29, 2018, within the framework of anti-corruption measures, a webinar for the branch's employees on the subject "Criminological and criminal legal measures to counter corruption: state and prospects" was held. The...
On July 6, 2018, on the day of the Capital Day celebration, the team of the RSE "Statexpertise" branch in Almaty took part in the friendly mini-football tournament organized by the Project Academy "KAZGOR". The opening...
From July 4 to July 5, 2018, the XVIth Urban Development Forum "Kazakhstan-2018" was held in the city of Astana, in which the director of the branch of RSE "Statexpertise" in Almaty, S.Lekerov took part. The opening of the...
The opening of the meeting took place with an introductory speech by acting director of RSE " Statexpertise " in Almaty A. Khusainov He congratulated the staff of the branch on the upcoming holiday and noted that over the...
By order of the General Director of RSE "Statexpertise" No.69-l dated June 27, 2018, he was appointed deputy director of the branch of RSE " Statexpertise " in Almaty Altynbek Gabbasovich Khusainov. The Deputy Director was...
2018 жылдың 5 маусымында «Мемсараптама» РМК-нің конференц-залында Экологтар күнін және Дүниежүзілік қоршаған ортаны қорғау күнін мерекелеуге арналған салтанатты жиналыс өтті. Жиналыс «Мемсараптама» РМК-нің бас директоры...
2018 жылдың 5 маусымында «Мемсараптама» РМК-нің конференц-залында Экологтар күнін және Дүниежүзілік қоршаған ортаны қорғау күнін мерекелеуге арналған салтанатты жиналыс өтті. Жиналыс «Мемсараптама» РМК-нің бас директоры...
In pursuance of the Plan of vocational education of workers of RSE Gosexpertiza for 2018, from May 31 to June 1, 2018 experts of branches of RSE Gosexpertiza participated in a seminar on a subject "Improvement of a...
On June 5, 2018 in a conference room of RSE Gosexpertiza the solemn meeting devoted to celebration of Day of the ecologist and the World Environment Day took place. Opening of a meeting took place from the opening speech of...
В Доме культуры имени А.Токмагамбетова Кызылорды состоялось торжественное собрание, посвященное Всемирному дню охраны окружающей среды. Аким области Крымбек Кушербаев поздравил экологов области с профессиональным праздником...
Kazakhstan since its state independence purposively and gradually following the course to create an effective, relevant international standards, institutions and mechanisms of counteraction of corruption. One of the...
23 мая 2018 года в городе Алматы прошел семинар «TrueConf Server 4.4 и новинки AV-оборудования», в котором приняли участие работники РГП «Госэкспертиза» и его филиалов. От филиала РГП «Госэкспертиза» по Кызылординской...
On May 23, 2018 in Almaty, a seminar "TrueConf Server 4.4 and new products of AV equipment" was held, in which employees of RSE "Statexpertise" and its branches took part. The seminar consisted of speeches and demonstrations...
On may 17, 2018 in Astana was held an extraordinary meeting (conference) on the results of work for 2017, with the participation of delegates from the primary organizations of the trade union of the RSE «Statexpertise».
On May 17, 2018 in Astana a meeting of the Public Association "Local Trade Union of Workers of RSE" Gosexpertiza "on the results of work for 2017 was held. The report was presented. chairman of the trade union -...
On May 17, 2018, in Astana was held the extraordinary meeting (conference) about 2017 year’s summing up, in which G. Sadyhanova - head of the department for issuing expert opinions and automating expert work, chairman of the...
There was held a seminar on the topic: "Designing of building structures using the LIRA-SAPR software package. Version 2018 and its development within the framework of the BIM concept " from May 16 to May17, 2018, in which...
On March 13, 2018 in the conference hall of the branch a seminar organized by СSU Central State Archive of Almaty was held on the theme: "Formation and execution of cases. Transfer of files to the archive. Requirements for...
On March 13, 2018 in the conference hall of the branch a seminar organized by СSU Central State Archive of Almaty was held on the theme: "Formation and execution of cases. Transfer of files to the archive. Requirements for...