The total volume of the considered design and estimate documentation for construction is 221 units, with a total declared construction cost of 629.628 billion tenge, of which are financed by public investments. 44 % at the expense of non-state investments 56 %.
The total number of negative conclusions issued is 51 units.
The number of documents recommended for approval is 170 units, with a total construction cost of 618.632 billion tenge:
- projects and work projects - 39 (state investments) units + 122 (non-state investments) units-worth 490.934 billion tenge;
- feasibility study - 1 (state investment) unit-worth 27.588 billion tenge, etc.
The decrease in the total (declared) cost of the documentation recommended for approval amounted to 31.946 billion tenge, which was achieved after adjusting the estimated documentation according to design decisions and changes in them according to the comments of the expert examination.