On August 9, 2019, a solemn meeting of employees of the RSE “Statexpertise” and its branches was held through video communication.
The general director of the RSE “Statexpertise” T. Karagoyshin addressed the employees with greetings and congratulations on a professional holiday, thanking them for their diligent work and wishing them further success in their work.
There was organized a cultural and sports event for the branch’s employees on the hacienda “Near Mikhalych”, located in the foothills of the Ile-Alatau National Park on August 10, 2019
Team building was organized, which consisted of team games in order to develop positive internal relations in the team, the ability to quickly make decisions in unusual situations, the qualities of leadership and initiative in the team, as well as raising the corporate spirit. Each team performed various tasks at the indicated points, according to the results of which the winners were determined. Also, the event was full of various contests that did not leave any of those present aside. The winners of the contests were awarded souvenirs and at the end a flash mob was organized, which gave an unforgettable charge of vivacity and positive.
Sports competitions were organized among the employees of the branch in order to implement the instructions of the Head of State on the development of mass sport and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
Within the framework of the event, an awarding ceremony was held for the most distinguished workers who contributed to the development of the enterprise, the construction industry of the city and the Republic of Kazakhstan, the badges “Құрметті сәулетші”, the medal “Еңбек ардагері” (Veteran of Labor), Certificates of Appreciation and a Letter of Appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Diplomas RPO "Association of Builders of Kazakhstan", Letter of appreciation from the akim of Almaty, Certificates of honor of RSE "Statexpertise".
The collective of the RSE “Statexpertise” branch in Almaty expresses its gratitude to the public association “Local Trade Union of Employees of the RSE“ Statexpertise ”for organizing a high-level corporate event.