02 Aug 2018 Almaty city akimat under the chairmanship of Deputy akim of Almaty Makazhanova S. A. with the participation of Deputy General Director for production of RSE "Statexpertise" E. Edresov held an extended meeting on receipt by the customer of the construction permit for emissions into the environment. Also heads of structural divisions of akimat, customers (administrators of the budgetary programs), public institutions, the design organizations of the city, etc. have participated in a meeting.
During the meeting the following changes have been explained.
In connection with the entry into force on 8 June 2018 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of improving regulation of entrepreneurial activities" dated 24.05.2018, No. 156-VI SAM, have been made changes and additions to the Ecological Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.01.2007, which established the state environmental expertise with the issuance of the permission to issues in environment for the construction of facilities of I category of economic activity by the authorized body in the field of environmental protection and its territorial units in the combined departmental examination. As well as the implementation of local Executive bodies in the field of environmental protection for issuing permits for emissions into the environment at construction sites II-IV categories of economic activity in the combined departmental examination.
With entry into force of the above-stated Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, order taking for the state environmental assessment and issues are carried out by means of the Uniform portal and within 45 working days there is a conducting state examination and also check on compliance of the project documentation to the Ecological Code of RK and delivery of permissions to issues.
Positive aspects of working with authorized environmental bodies were noted in the framework of these changes, such as: online correspondence with the customer, generation of comments and synchronization of data with RSE "Statexpertise".
Following the results of a meeting, for improvement of quality of design, the decision on carrying out a cycle of the joint actions directed to improvement of expert activity, to the information and methodological help to designers and the organization of constructive dialogue is made.
The branch of RSE "Statexpertise" in Almaty thanked akimat of Almaty city in the person of Deputy akim of Almaty S. Makazhanov for their assistance in conducting the joint meeting