January 15, 2018 there was held a meeting to support and promote the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" of January 10, 2018 in the branch of RSE "Statexpertise" in Almaty.
S. Lekerov is a director of the Branch of RSE " Statexpertise " in Almaty made opening remarks at the beginning. He noted that the President's strategic plans are stated and specified in his annual Addresses to the people of Kazakhstan.
The message of the President is a guide to action for every citizen of Kazakhstan, which reflects the current challenges of the time and provides a clear, concrete plan of measures to solve them.
The present Message is unique in that it contains a specific program of measures for systemic modernization of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
There were announced 10 main tasks for all sectors of the economy and social sphere, which opens wide horizons for the country during the meeting:
1. Industrialization should become the flagship of the introduction of new technologies.
2. Further development of the resource potential.
3. "Smart technologies" - a chance for a breakthrough in the development of the agro-industrial complex.
4. Increasing the efficiency of transport and logistics infrastructure.
5. Introduction of modern technologies in construction and municipal sector.
6. "Reloading" of the financial sector.
7. Human capital is the basis of modernization.
8. Effective public administration.
9. Fighting corruption and the rule of law.
10. "Smart cities" for the "smart nation".
Thus, the comprehensive nature of the Message is an important incentive for further modernization of the country and requires the active participation of all citizens of the country in the work on its implementation.
Following the meeting, having discussed the tasks and exchanging views, it was accepted:
1. To support the President's Address to the People of Kazakhstan "New Opportunities for Development under the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" of January 10, 2018.
2. Improve the IT-infrastructure of the branch: active use of IT-technologies, advanced software, etc.
3. To create in the branch conditions for ensuring the full involvement of personnel in the implementation of the tasks set by the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan, to work on the continuous improvement of the level of professionalism and responsibility of the whole team.
4. Provide social support to employees of the branch in conjunction with the union.
5. To demonstrate adherence to principle and intolerance with respect to facts of corruption, violation of labor discipline, poor performance of official duties.