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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Participation in the seminar "Changes in IFRS and tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2018 year

 Participation in the seminar "Changes in IFRS and tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2018  year
 Participation in the seminar "Changes in IFRS and tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2018  year
 Participation in the seminar "Changes in IFRS and tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2018  year

For executing the plan of professional studying RSE "Statexpertise" in 2017, there was spent the seminar on the topic “Changes in IFRS and tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2018 " from 28th to 29th of November 2017 in Astana where director of the branch of RSE "Statexpertise" in Almaty S. Lekerov and the chief accountant G. Yeszhanova took part.
There were considered issues of Changes in International Financial Reporting Standards (balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, development plan, report on the implementation of the Development Plan) and Tax Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2018 (the provisions of the draft of the new Tax Code, the review of detected violations during inspections of subjects of the quasi-public sector) during the seminar.
At the end of seminar the participants were given a certificates of successful completion of the course.
We thank the management of RSE "Statexpertise" and in particular the head of the accounting and planning department B. Bishenova. for organizing the seminar at a high level!