Fast, easy, secure! To submit a project, building or architectural object for examination soon it will be possible via the mobile app. This was stated by the representatives of the "Gosexpertiza".
They showed the public the process from the inside and demonstrated all the features of the electronic version.
The program "digital Kazakhstan" in action. By 2020, the share of public services in electronic form needs to be 80%. Transformation has passed and the enterprise "Gosexpertiza". Previously all their work was on paper. Due to red tape with the documents conclusions were given only after 285 days.
Talent Omarbekov, Director of the branch Northern region RSE "Gosexpertiza":
- Today the customer is to submit the project for examination, it means your personal account loads the project. Within 5 days Central office of RSE "Gosexpertiza" is checked completeness. If the project is incomplete, it returns with itemized reasons, if complete, within 45 days he passes the examination in the personal office comes to a conclusion.
Full automation of expertise moved into 2015. A year later, the activity of the portal increased significantly.
Anuar Kasimov, head of the automation Department of expertise of RSE "Gosexpertiza", Astana city:
- In 2016 was sent to 16 thousand cases. And in the first half of 2017 reached 8 798. To date, we have over 9 thousand active registered users.
Soon to download the project and obtain the opinion will be using a smartphone. I'm developing a mobile application. The meeting, and that the local experts and representatives of construction firms, evaluated the innovations. And learned how the state examination works from the inside. The company "Arkhstroy" - an active user of the portal. At least once a month, PSD sent for examination. They say it's very fast and convenient.
Eugene Molokanov, head of project group LLP "Arkhstroy":
- Honestly, as a young and intelligent man, I learned such interesting and useful things, causing a certain "waveffects". Great! Happy for our country that we go forward.
All this thanks to the presidential plan of the nation's "100 steps". According to 47 mu, the project appraisal should go to the competitive environment. This year the number of such DCPs will reach 70%. The next year it will increase by another 10 points.
Alexander Salmina
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