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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
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Participation in the 1st International Forum of Expert Organizations in Construction "Examination Today"

Participation in the 1st International Forum of Expert Organizations in Construction "Examination Today"
Participation in the 1st International Forum of Expert Organizations in Construction "Examination Today"
Participation in the 1st International Forum of Expert Organizations in Construction "Examination Today"

August 17, 2017 was the first international forum of expert organizations in the construction of "Examination today", in which the director of the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Kostanay oblast took part.
Opening of the forum took place with the opening speech of the General Director of RSE "Gosexpertiza" Karagoyshin TD. Further, a video was shown, in which all the main blocks of work and, in general, the activities of the RSE "Goskespertiza" were covered and presented.
Speakers on the topic "Aspects of activities for the examination of projects for the construction of facilities in the CIS and the Far Abroad" were: Andropov V.V. - First Deputy Head of the FFA "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia", Szymon Piechowiak - Team Leader of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction (Poland), Kuzmin S.S. - Director of SEEPSE "Central Service of the Ukr.Gos.expertiza", Hasanov A. .G.-beg. PGS VGE under GANB in ​​the CM of the Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sydykov A.Zh.-deputy director of the DGE under the Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic, etc. The reports were: Shpinkov A.-manager (director) in the TPD of the NGO FGP KPJV Ltd., manager (director) of the NGO FGP LLP "TCO", Abakanov M.-Sc., ex. by those. issues of JSC KazNIISA, Musabaev TT - Director of the ETI ENU. L.N. Gumilev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. ETI ENU them. LNGumilyov and others.
Also at the forum was the chairman of the CDU and housing and communal services of the world of Kazakhstan M. Zhayymbetov. He noted that currently there is a process of transfer of expertise of construction projects to private companies - more than 60% have already been transferred, and 10% are annually transferred. As a result, at the end of 2019, it is planned that only unique and technically complex facilities of national importance will remain in RSE "Gosexpertiza", such as CHP plants, nuclear power plants, oil refineries, etc.
The organization and organization of the first ever large-scale forum was preceded by bilateral meetings with the heads of expert organizations, international conferences, participation in the delegation at industry forums, etc.
The International Forum "Expertise Today" has become an information platform where expert organizations, international companies, non-governmental organizations, state companies, project companies and customers of works gather to illuminate the current trends in construction, expand the geography of cooperation and study effective developments in construction.
A number of topical issues in the field of expertise of construction projects, opportunities for developing business partnerships and international cooperation were discussed at the forum. During the event, three main tasks were realized:
- Exchange of experience and strengthening of cooperation between organizations that carry out construction expertise,
- study and application of international experience in organization of expert activities in the field of construction
- Presentation of modern opportunities in the field of expertise of construction projects.
Particular attention was paid to BIM-technologies. In the near future, it is planned to fully implement the information modeling of buildings, which consists of creating three-dimensional models of structures, and supporting construction: from design to commissioning.
All invited guests and participants of the forum noted the high level of organization and holding of such a high international event, which allowed not only to discuss the aspects of the activity on examination of projects and its development, but also to establish contacts for further cooperation and interaction.
In conclusion, it was decided to continue holding the international forum on an annual basis.
We are confident that the forum will become a platform for the development of international relations, will initiate new international projects that will be aimed at expanding new opportunities