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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Happy Builder's Day

Happy Builder's Day
Happy Builder's Day
Happy Builder's Day
Happy Builder's Day

The branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Almaty pays great attention to improving the moral and psychological climate and creating a comfortable and friendly atmosphere in the team. One of the important factors in the formation of corporate culture is the organization of team building.
August 12, 2017 at the recreation center "Sunkar" was a corporate team building, dedicated to the professional holiday - the Day of the builder.
Builder's day is celebrated from 1956 on the second Sunday in August, not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout the post-Soviet space. Within the framework of the event, the ceremony of awarding the most distinguished employees who contributed to the development of the construction industry of the city and the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.
By the order of the Minister of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the director of the branch S. Lekerov was awarded the title of "Құрметті құрылысшы".
The expert of the production department I. Shapovalova was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as the expert PD Kazybekova awarded with a letter of thanks of the MID of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Thanks to the letter of Akim of Almaty city, the deputy director - D.B. Baltagulov was awarded. Thanksgiving letters of the Deputy Akim of Almaty city Mashzhanova SA L.B. Manapbaeva, experts PO ONTomanov MM, Abaybekova AT, Nauryzbekova AA have been awarded.
Honorary diplomas of the Association of Kazakhstan builders were awarded to the software experts: Kurumbaeva DD, Kachanova LI, Smagulova LT, Sholpanbaev ME. and ved.spets. adm. Department - Kuatbekova AS The Honorary Diploma of the NGO "Branch Trade Union of Workers of the SC and Housing and Communal Services of the RK" was awarded to the Chief Specialist. department - Akimzhanov S.Zh.
The second part of the event, in which the team shared on the two teams, consisted of several stages, involving the execution of tasks of varying degrees of complexity. Team games gave the participants a lot of positive emotions, impressions and excellent mood.
The atmosphere of the holiday reigned from early morning until late at night. The corporate event held rallied the team, revealing and revealing the individual qualities and capabilities of each team member.