Pursuant to the Plan of professional training of workers RSE "Gosexpertiza" for 2017, 20 - 21 April 2017, in the head office of RSE "Gosexpertiza" was held a seminar on the theme "System of information security management. ISO 27001", in which took part Orynbekov Schwa.. leading specialist of production Department of the branch.
The seminar covered the following topics: standards of ST RK ISO/IEC 27001-2015, ST RK ISO/IEC 27002-2015, ST RK ISO/IEC 27005:2013, a family of ISO 27000 series of standards, communication standards series 9000 and 14000, risk management, information security, recommendations of the standard ST RK ISO/IEC 27001 implementation of ISMS, preparations for the establishment of an ISMS, etc.
After the seminar, Orynbekova Schwa.. the certificate is issued by the educational center "World Class Educatiоn" on successful completion of the course.