"In the XXI century changes again and blossoms
immense space of steppe Eurasia.
Today and forever our Kazakhstan is the Country of the Great changed steppe. Such is a national name
our favourite Fatherland. It reflects the past,
present and future of our Homeland"
N.A. Nazarbayev
On September 11, 2015 within execution of the Plan of measures on a phased transition of office-work on a state language in RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" on the Aktyubinsk area and Messages of the President of Kazakhstan "Nurly zhol – the way to the future", there took place the action devoted to the Constitution day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and celebration of the 550 anniversary of education Kerey khan and Zhanibek khan of independent state association of the Kazakh people – the Kazakh khanate.
In one of the statements, the Head very precisely and deeply estimated the purposes and results of construction of the new state and society in historical conditions: "Formation and development of the nation is impossible without preservation of historical memory of the people, and time of emergence of natsioknalny statehood irrespective of what social shape of this statehood was and what form of a state system was acceptable and possible in those days belongs to number of the most considerable milestones in the historical past always and everywhere". These words of the Head of state are a key to successful understanding of the historical past, after all without history there can't be a society and the state.
Formation of the Kazakh statehood lasted for centuries and included expansion of the territory, development of institute of the power, formation of cultural and language traditions.
One of turning points on the way of creation of the independent state by Kazakhstan is approval of the new draft constitution on a national referendum on August 30, 1995. This holiday is one of the most important public holidays as reflects will of the people of Kazakhstan, its aspiration to the statement of the country as the democratic, secular, constitutional and social state.
In RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" on the Aktyubinsk area also didn't disregard a tandem of these two significant dates to which was devoted action "Ата заң – асыл мұраттар бастауы".
Action took place in information form, display of the patriotic video and a slide, the review of historical events of emergence and development of the State. Didn't do and without poetry note, A.Z. Omarova's poem "Қазақ елі – мәңгілік ел".