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"Pride of Kazakhstan – its Flag, the Coat of arms, the Anthem"

"Pride of Kazakhstan – its Flag, the Coat of arms, the Anthem"
"Pride of Kazakhstan – its Flag, the Coat of arms, the Anthem"
"Pride of Kazakhstan – its Flag, the Coat of arms, the Anthem"

"The state symbols are one of firm bases of our state, our sovereignty.
They express the sacred uniting image of Independence"
Nursultan Nazarbayev

On June 8, 2015 within execution of the Plan of measures on a phased transition of office-work on a state language passed the action devoted to 23 years' celebration of Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" on the Aktyubinsk area.
Around the world the state symbols bear in themselves the nationwide and uniting values, fidelity to which brings special pride and serves as guarantee of continuity of historical life of the population of the country. The respect for the state symbols is manifestation of patriotism and an active civic stand. The state symbols of Kazakhstan included the elements, first of all, reflecting aspiration of the people to independence, his pride of the country, his diligence and a peace spirit.
In information part of action was submitted the half-hour video about historical dates of creation and introduction of the state symbols of RK, was read the report on symbols from the point of view of mythology and outlook of the Kazakh people.
The report was followed by a task for knowledge of symbolics of other countries where the participating had to find state symbols of 9 countries, different in the continent, in advance reflected in the form of pictures in different cards. Thus, the staff of branch aggregated the state symbols of the countries, communicated, carried out discussion and executed the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.