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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

"Language – outstanding achievement of the people both its integral and inseparable sign"

"Language – outstanding achievement of the people both its integral and inseparable sign"
"Language – outstanding achievement of the people both its integral and inseparable sign"
"Language – outstanding achievement of the people both its integral and inseparable sign"
"Language – outstanding achievement of the people both its integral and inseparable sign"

For promotion of a state language, in pursuance of the Plan for a phased transition of office-work on a state language in RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" on the Aktyubinsk area (further – branch) for 2014, on December 11-12 of this year in branch there took place a number of actions under the title "PARADE of the LANGUAGES" dated for Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan with participation of staff of branch.
Actions took place in two stages, first of which was directed on the information and control method which included: lecture conversation, test task and display of the video.
The law RK "About Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan" says: "Language – outstanding achievement of the people both its integral and inseparable sign. Development of language is entirely connected with development of national culture, and in this plan language carries out the public function". These words set in motion to the beginning of carrying out Parade of languages and were a key to the report of the leading expert (translator) of branch. Lecture conversation stated legal bases of formation of a state language of RK, history of emergence of Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan, progress of branch on realization of the State program of development and functioning of languages in RK for 2011-2020 and was followed by display of the video, a fragment from the Message of the President "About language" 2014.
For carrying out monitoring and definition of level of proficiency in a state language of staff of branch following the results of last periods, test tasks on text and lexical and grammatical structure were prepared and distributed. Results of a test task were removed and announced in the second stage of carrying out actions. The second stage of carrying out Parade of languages proceeded the competition "The Best Translator of Construction Terms" part in which took all the staff of branch. Competition was held on knowledge of construction terminology in a state language in three rounds: the translation of names of laws and normative legal acts in the field of architecture, town planning and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the translation randomly of the chosen text with presence of construction terminology, the translation of construction terms according to Construction Norms and Regulations of PK 1.01-32-2005 "Construction terminology" was also estimated by jury which defined prize-winning places for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
In addition participants were encouraged with prizes and diplomas on the nominations: «Қаһарлы сөз – қамал бұзар», «Туған тілім – тіршілігімнің айғағы», «Ішімдегінің бәрі тілімде, тілімдегінің бәрі ісімде».