On March 3-4 the current year in Ust Kamenogorsk the zonal seminar meeting with system of electronic reception design and budget documentation on building of objects and complexes on means of a portal of www.epsd.kz, with participation of representatives of the design organizations, administrators of programs of the East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar areas, experts of the cities of Ust Kamenogorsk, Semey, Pavlodar and developers of an electronic format of documents acceptance of representatives of the JSC NAT Kazakhstan company was held.
On a seminar – meeting also took part deputy of akim of the East Kazakhstan region Tekeshov E.Kh. head of GASK department and licensing on VKO Otarbayev M. Zh. deputy head of the device RSE "Gosexpertiza" Taysarinov D. A.
On a seminar – meeting also took part deputy of akim of the East Kazakhstan region Tekeshov E.Kh. head of GASK department and licensing on the East Kazakhstan region Otarbayev M. Zh. deputy head of the device RGP "Gosexpertiza" Taysarinov D. A.
The course of meeting was shined with mass media (television: Kazakhstan Oskemen, KTV, newspaper Rudny Altai).
Similar zone a seminar meeting passed in the cities of Astana and Almaty for the Southern and Central regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the course of holding a seminar by representatives of the developer of JSC NAT Kazakhstan the introduced program is presented, practical classes in a test mode are given. To participants of a seminar it is explained that submission of applications for providing the state services and execution of the state functions is offered to carry out in electronic form a portal through "private office". For work with the Internet portal it is necessary to be registered and study requirements to documentation provided in electronic form. These requirements are placed on the main page of the Internet portal.
The exchange of opinions took place. During discussion of questions acted the deputy head of the device RSE "Gosexpertiza " Taysarinov D. A. directors of branches RSE "Gosexpertiza " - across the East Kazakhstan region Tikibayev E.A. which focused attention of participants of a seminar that since April 01, 2014 all system of state examination passes to this format of reception of the design and estimate documentation.
By participants of meeting it was noted that implementation of the above-named electronic services in RSE "Gosexpertiza " will allow to reduce significantly a term by consideration of design and budget documentation, and also will allow the applicant independently, remotely to watch a course of carrying out state examination.
Requirements to submission of documentation in an electronic format, and also the list of necessary initial and allowing documentation, the instruction on work with a portal and other information it is possible to find on the official site of RSE "Gosexpertiza " (www.gosexpertiza.kz).