In Committee on affairs of construction and housing and communal services of the Ministry of regional development of RK on January 29-30, 2014 leading expert of the branch RSE "Gosexpertize" on the Aktyubinsk area Boychenko D. A. took part in meetings on questions of use of the pump, locking regulating, water treatment, sewer clearing equipment on a critical infrastructure.
Questions of quality control of polyethylene pipes, modernization of heatnetwork economy of RK were discussed with use polyethylene of the high-temperature reinforced polymeric pipelines from the sewed polyethylene.
The presented criteria by the independent expert organization for the pump equipment in the field of quality, energy efficiency, guarantee coverings, quality of offered services are considered.
Criteria in the field of quality, anticorrosive protection, guarantee coverings, operational service life are developed.
The question of need of application of secondary water resources is considered.
On a result of discussion it was offered to start the pilot project with use of polymeric pipelines on thermal networks of Akmolinsk area. This type of a material in existing normative documents of thermal networks applied to design isn't provided. Modification of normative documents will be possible only after approbation of this pipe by the pilot project, the economic and operational component, expediency of application of these pipes will be considered also. When laying this pipe application of ferroconcrete designs (except thermal cameras and input knots), P-shaped jacks, the device of motionless support isn't required.
The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the chairman of Committee on affairs of construction and housing and communal services Galiyev V.G.