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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84



The issues:
2. On the state of expert work on feasibility study: "Construction of the Visitor Center of the State Historical and Cultural and Natural Reserve Museum" Tamgaly "s.Karabastau in Zhambyl region of Almaty oblast" (contract. 0631). ____________________________________________________________________________
(Chimbayev N.N., Kuybida N.A., Polishchuk L.A., Yevtushevskaya T.N.)

It is noted that for the project design organization unfairly fulfills Notes: The estimate of the amount of unfounded, not represented coordination with the organizations of drilling wells, determine the diameter and depth of the wells is not represented chemical and bacteriological analysis of water bearing wells.
The solution:
3. LP. "Euro max inc": up to 13.11.2012, to submit a letter to the suspension of expert evaluation.
4. Branch of RSE "Gosekspertiza" in Almaty region: expert suspend work on the project.
3. On the state of expert papers on the working project: "Construction of a water main group Kaskelen Karasai district of Almaty region. 2nd start-up complex. Phase 1 construction (contract. 0585)
(Chimbayev N.N., Kim A.G., Tanatarov S., Atagullayev A., Yevtushevskaya T.N.)

It was noted that the project is presented not as a complete set, the drawings are not represented. Project developers must work directly with experts to go beyond the formal correspondence.
The solution:
1. LP "Institute Taldykorganvodproekt ': 11/09/12 to submit a letter to the suspension of expert evaluation.
2. Branch of RSE "Gosekspertiza" in Almaty region: expert suspend work on the project to complete configuration PDS.
4. On the state of expert papers on the working project: RP "Development and improvement of engineering and communication networks for individual housing construction in s.Kaynazar 2 Zhambyl region of Almaty oblast" (contract. 0861)

(Chimbayev N.N., Yevtushevskaya T.N., Atagullayev A.)

It is noted that in all areas of the project to issue notes, the answers are not presented expert works are delayed. At the meeting of the Expert Council of the representatives of the customer and the project organization were not.
The solution:
Yarmukhamedova S. B: inform letter Akim of Zhambyl region of a no-show customer organization and project organization to a meeting of the Advisory Council for
1. issue of being supervised facility.
2. Invite customer and project organization repeatedly meeting, the advisory council 13/11/2012