Attended: Moldybaeva. Zh. Zh. - the deputy director, chairperson; Evtushevskaia T.N - Head of Production Department; the representative of the customer: Ovchinikov A. A - chief of GU «OZhKKh(Regional residential communal services) of Taldykorgan» -main expert; the representative of planners; Korovko V.A - main expert (Limited Partnership Kazakhskii Santekhproekt); Isaev A.A. – architect (Limited Partnership Kazakhskii Santekhproekt); experts: Kim V.I., Tikhonov Iu.A.; Uvarov V.M.; ; Beisembaeva G.A – the leading expert – lawyer- secretary.
1. Status of expert work on BFS(Banking Feasibility Study): « Construction, reconstruction and expansion of the boiler room" Baskuat of Taldykorgan Almaty region» (contract №0091 from 21.02.2013)
(Moldybaeva Zh.Zh., Evtushevskaia T.N., Kim V.I., Korovko V.A.)
Marked: that the project has identified a number of significant observations. Not provided responses to comments.
1. Branch RSE «Gosekspertiza» of Almaty region: In case of the documentation without the experts' comments, to give a negative opinion.
2. Limited Partnership «Kazakhskii Santekhproekt» spend corrective work on the observations of experts, and provide responses to the observations in full.