Время приёма посетителей с 09:00 до 12:30 часов
Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Seminar «Ecological safety in the oil-and-gas industry»

Seminar «Ecological safety in the oil-and-gas industry»

Сenter of retraining and improvement of professional skill in the field of preservation of the environment and wildlife management of RSE "Information and Analytical Centre of Environment" of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Republic of Kazakhstan from February 28th till March, 1st, 2013 have been organized a seminar on the theme: "Ecological safety in the oil and gas industry" with the participation of specialists - experts RSE "Gosexpertiza".
At a seminar have acted: the main expert of Committee of ecological regulation and control MEP RK of Dosmakova B.Z., the main expert of department of low-carbon development Khakimzhanova B , the assistant to general director RSE "Information and Analytical Centre of Environment of the MEP RK, Cand.Biol.Sci. Shabanova L.V., the expert in development of oil-and-gas fields in the Western Kazakhstan Shanbayev T.
Such basic thematic directions as have been considered: changes and additions to requirements of the industrial ecological control and monitoring in oil-and-gas branch (the Kazakhstan sector of Caspian sea), ecological requirements in the field of protection of water resources at carrying out of operations on subsoil use, changes and additions in the Environmental Code of Republic of Kazakhstan concerning hotbed gases, the reference with production wastes and consumption, the program of a waste management of manufacture and consumption (rules PPA), and also readiness of the enterprises to emergencies and reaction to them, energysavings and increase energyefficiency, rational use of power resources, energyeffective technologies, ecological requirements to preservation and liquidations of objects of oil operations.
On the termination, participants of a seminar have passed examination on the basic themes and have received the certificate on passage of a rate.