On November, 14-16th, 2012 in city Almaty has passed a seminar on a theme: «Modern methods of designing, construction and operation of transmission lines and electric substations», organized by the Union energy engineers of Republic of Kazakhstan.
Heads and other representatives of the energy companies specializing on generation, distribution and selling of energy, workers have been invited to a seminar research and project institutes, building, installation and commissioning organizations, the industrial enterprises, and also higher educational institutions of Republic of Kazakhstan.
At a seminar questions of modernization of electric networks on the basis of innovative technologies, modern methods of construction of high-voltage transmission lines and substations have been considered. Participants have familiarized with experience and methods of manufacture of installation works at building power transmission lines and substations, innovative decisions for elevated lining the fiber optical communication line (technology SkyWrap), modern passive fire-prevention protection, and also application of fireproof materials and systems PYRO-SAFE for electric cables.
On November, 16th participants have visited 4-th International exhibition Central Asia Industry Platform.