On October, 23-25rd, 2012 experts RSE «Gosexpertiza» have taken part in a seminar-meeting of «Perspectives of the Kazakhstan electromechanical engineering», the lead JSC «Kentau Transformer plant» in Kentau of the South-Kazakhstan area.
Also heads of the state bodies, heads of the Kazakhstan and foreign companies have taken part in a seminar-meeting, and have discussed pressing questions of development of the industry of Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of power and electromechanical engineering. Questions of development of the electropower branch, new development in the field of «green power» and energysaving the transformer equipment, production used in the oil and mining industry, and also prospect of release of new products have been considered.
Participants of a seminar-meeting have visited industrial platforms of a factory, have familiarized with an exposition of let out production, and also have taken part in opening ceremony of polytechnical college which initiator of creation is JSC «Kentau Transformer plant».