Next XXXIV session of Intergovernmental Council on cooperation in construction activity of the CIS countries has been lead on October, 18-19th, 2012 in capital of the Azerbaijan Republic city Baku.
By tradition the member of the Council presides over session, being the head of branch state body of the accepting party. XXXIV session was opened by Chairman of the State committee of town-planning and architecture of Azerbaijan A.A.Aleskerov.
Delegations of Byelorussia, Republic of Kazakhstan also have taken part in work of Intergovernmental Council besides owners (led by Chairman of Agency RK on affairs of construction and housing and communal services S.K.Nokin), Republic of Moldova (led by Minister of regional development and construction RМ M.G.Redukan), the Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan and Ukraine, and also representatives of Executive Committee of the CIS A.I.Belenkov and А.D. Myasnikov.
According to the agenda of session of Council:
1) Chairman of the State committee of town-planning and architecture of Azerbaijan A.A.Aleskerov has acted with the report «Town-planning development of city Baku»;
2) Deputy head of the Russian Federal agency on construction and housing and communal services I.V.ponomarev has acted with the report «Perfection of the spatial organization of development of territory of the Russian Federation and National system of settlement»;
3) the extensive report «About directions of development of housing policy in the CIS countries» has made the first deputy minister of architecture and construction of Belarus I.V.Arhipova;
4) with the report « About realization of architecturally-building supervision at construction and operation of buildings» has acted the director of Agency on construction and architecture under the Government of Republic of Tajikistan A.H.Komilov;
5) the deputy minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine D.V.Isaenko has given the report on a theme «Mechanisms of a safety of buildings and constructions. Experience of Ukraine».
Also the information on work of the commissions on town-planning, on pricing in construction, on earthquake engineering and reduction of natural - technogenic consequences, on cooperation between the UN-HABITAT and Intergovernmental Council of the CIS, the international scientific and technical commission on standardization, technical normalization and estimations of conformity in construction (MNTKS) has been heard, and also of some subcommittees of Intergovernmental Council with which the head of Secretary A.D. Myasnikov has reported. It is necessary to note, that before XXXIV session of Intergovernmental Council on October, 10th and 11 current year in city Dushanbe (Republic of Tajikistan) also held scheduled working session of the Commission of Intergovernmental Council of the CIS on pricing in construction.
In the conclusion Council has accepted the offer of the Russian Federation on carrying out of next XXXV session of Intergovernmental Council by spring of 2013 in the city of Moscow, and also has approved prepared by Secretary in coordination with members of Council the agenda of the Moscow meeting.
Delegations have visited memorial and memorable constructions, the most significant under construction objects, and also the international exhibition «Baku Build. Construction Exhibition / 17-20 Oktober 2012».