Under the invitation of a management of the West-Kazakhstan area on June, 25th and 26, 2012 in the city of Uralsk next XVI congress of the Union of architects of Republic of Kazakhstan in which the delegates who have arrived from places selected in the primary organizations and territorial branches of the Union have taken part, and also visitors of congress on behalf of akim of area N.A. Nogaev, akim of regional center B.A.Shakimov and the local architectural public has been lead.
Work of congress passed in a building of regional Kazakh drama theatre where the exhibition has been issued, both competitive projects, and realized works of the architects representing all regions of our country.
Congress of creative association of the Kazakhstan architects warmly welcomed akim of area N.A.Nogaev, with greater interest heard report of the President of the Union of architects of A.I.Rustembekov for the last 4-years cycle.
The agenda of congress also provided the report of Chairman of a revision committee for the period 2008-2012, elections of new structure of controls - Advice of the Union of architects of Kazakhstan from among which are selected 5 regional vice-presidents supervising corresponding regional, and also city in Astana and Almaty branches, and also Presidium of Advice.
Congress has unanimously made a decision on rotation and rejuvenation the administrative board of association, has recognized necessary elections of two vice-presidents of a republican level, besides regional vice-presidents.
As a result of ballot by delegates of congress Advice and a management of the Union for new 4-years term have been selected. The president of the Union of architects of Kazakhstan had been re-elected A.I.Rustembekov. Also the decision to lead the first plenum of again selected Advice with participation of all delegates of congress was accepted.
Plenum of Advice has selected 1-st vice-president A.A.Tatygulov, head Design academy "KAZGOR" and 2-nd vice-president Z.S.Baimagambetov, director of LLP «Center of the general plan of city Almaty».
For the following period regional vice-presidents are selected on the Central region and the city of Astana - N.N.Jurashevich, on the Western region - J.B.Umerkaev, on Northeast region - G.J.Trashkov, on Southeast region and city Almaty - B.A.Musylmanbekov, on Southern region - B.K.Ashirbaev.
After end of work of congress in day of departure of delegates akim of area N.A.Nogaev has invited group of architects where the conversation about the further ways of cooperation of the Kazakhstan architects with representatives of area and city of Uralsk including in questions of safety of monuments of architecture took place, historical and a cultural heritage, a safety of residing of the population of cities and villages of area from natural disasters by means of architectural and town-planning means.
The delegates representing RSE «Gosexpertiza» former vice-president of the Union of architects on the Central region and the city of Astana of T.A.Zharylganov and a member of Presidium of Advice of the Union of architects of S.K.Bekmuhambetov have taken part in work of congress.