Conference-seminar on April, 17th, 2012 took place in city Almaty in the House of Friendship on a theme «Professional staff and strategy of spatial development of territories of Kazakhstan», in co-organized by the Union of town-planners of Kazakhstan, the Union of architects of Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan Union of designers, Association of builders of Kazakhstan and Association of designers of Kazakhstan.
The major moment in the agenda of conference-seminar became a question, concerning participations of the listed creative and branch associations in creation in a pilot mode of the independent centers of acknowledgement of qualification on the basis of branch associations. The given question was considered within the limits of execution of the National plan of measures on realization of the Message of the Head of the state to people of Kazakhstan «Social - economic modernization - the main vector of development of Kazakhstan» from January, 27th, 2012», the President of Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the Decree from January, 31st, 2012 №261.
Conference has made of the decision on establishment of the Independent center of acknowledgement of qualification in sphere of architectural, town-planning and building activity, and also Public Council of Unions of town-planners, architects and designers, Association of builders and Association of designers.
The second part of conference-seminar has been devoted to strategy of town-planning development of territories and public discussion of ended the 1-st stage, being preparatory for the beginning and the further development of the main town-planning project of the country - the General scheme of the organization of territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan developed by Astana branch of RSE «KazNIISSA», with attraction of some the leading town-planning design organizations both the interested ministries and republican departments. Necessity to return to repeated consideration before the prepared initiative group of the Concept of the general scheme and foundations of the state town-planning policy has noted been.
The Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services will be informed on results of in common lead conference-seminar.