The expanded session of board of Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services on February, 3rd, 2012 took place in the city of Astana on which results of work of this central executive agency for 2011 have been brought and problems for 2012 are designated, following of the state and branch programs, and also the address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan «Socio-economic modernization as main vector of development of Kazakhstan» where the due attention has been allocated to questions of construction of habitation, objects of power, gas chemical and gas processing facilities, new railroad lines Zhezkazgan - Beineu and Arkalyk-Shubarkol, and also to end of construction of the Kazakhstan section of the road corridor «Western Europe-Western China», to development of tourism infrastructure.
In the work of the Agency board was attended by first deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan S.N Akhmetov, who spoke at summarizing the board session, deputies of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan, assistants akims the areas supervising questions of construction and housing and communal services, and also representatives of some the ministries and departments, the design and building organizations, the enterprises of the building industry, heads of the organizations subordinated to Agency and their territorial divisions