The presentation of the technical-economic feasibility on February, 2nd, 2012 took place in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan «Increase in capacity of pipeline «Kazakhstan-China» (1 site).
Customer: LLP «Asia Gas pipeline»;
General designers: JSC «Kazakh institute of Oil & Gas» and «China Petroleum and Planning Engineering Institute» (CPPEI).
Extent of the pipeline makes more than 1300 km.
Realization of the project is directed on increase of energy safety of Republic of Kazakhstan, maintenance of reliable and uninterrupted gas supply of growing needs of the south of the country with increase in capacity up to 8,7 billion m3/year, modernization of an infrastructure in the occupied areas along a route of a pipeline, and also translation of the basic industrial facilities into an ecological kind of fuel - natural gas.
With realization of the project of expansion the quantity of workplaces will increase and will appear new business-opportunity for the Kazakhstan suppliers of local materials and the equipment.
The economic gain from a pipeline for Republic of Kazakhstan is an increase in incomes of the taxes and duties paid by the Operator pipeline. The budgetary effect in view of discounting is predicted at a rate of 272 million US dollars.
During presentation of the in the technical-economic feasibility the Agency on affairs of construction and housing and communal services gives recommendations to the customer and general designers on maximal use of materials, products and the equipment, let out by the Kazakhstan enterprises.