During from December, 15 till December, 19th, 2011 in capital of the Czech Republic the city of Prague has been held a seminar on training experts to modern methods of calculations and designing of road clothes and artificial constructions with use of geosynthetic materials, and as technologies of performance of civil and erection works with application of these materials.
Seminar-training organized by a Czech company «Tensar International», has developed the specified materials and technologies. Besides according to the program of a seminar, questions of designing and construction of the reinforced subsoil retaining walls, strengthening of the weak soil bases, maintenance of stability of an earthen cloth in complex conditions on the technologies also developed by company «Tensar International» with departure the objects of a road infrastructure which are under construction both in Czech Republic and in Slovakia and Poland have been considered.
The Kazakhstan experts have taken part in a seminar on behalf of experts of sector of transport RSE «Gosexpertiza».