On December, 2nd, 2011 in microdistrict Nursat of Shymkent solemnly openly new office building ASE «Yuzhgosexpertiza». The new office is erected and completely technically completed due to own means of the enterprise.
Within the limits of realization of the three-year Program of perfection of activity of system State expertise, RSE «Gosexpertiza» scheduled development of own material base and an industrial infrastructure of the territorial divisions spends. Designing and construction of buildings is carried out without participation of budgetary funds or other investments involved from, exclusively due to legislatively established financial accumulation RSE «Gosexpertiza» and its divisions. In the past to year house warming have celebrated ASE «Atyraugosexpertiza» and Southern branch in Almaty, in current year construction of five more offices is finished. Besides ASE «Yuzhgosexpertiza» in Shymkent, new offices will open in Ust Kamenogorsk, Taldykorgan and Karaganda. In 2012 will be put in operation 8 more buildings.