On September, 12-13th, 2011 at exit meeting concerning construction of the Koksarai conterregulator with participation of the customer SI «Kazselezaschita» of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Republic of Kazakhstan, the general designer PC «Institute «Kazgiprovodhoz» of Almaty, RSE «Gosexpertiza» were discussed questions of completion of the facility.
The Koksarai conterregulator is located to the south of settlement Koksarai of the South-Kazakhstan area in 160 kilometers below Shardara water basins.
The basic purposes and problems of a conterregulator:
- Maintenance of freshet safety of the occupied places;
- Maintenance of the accident-free miss of water from Shardara water basins;
- Accumulation of a winter drain of the river Syrdarya;
- Reduction of losses of water resources on dumps in Arnasai hollow;
- Improvement of ecological conditions in the flood plain and delta of Syrdarya due to submission of the water saved up in a conterregulator during the optimum period approached to natural conditions.
Capacity of water basin Koksarai conterregulator 3,0 км3, that will provide reception of a part of high waters and the accident-free miss of water-inflow.
Accumulation in Koksarai conterregulator of a winter drain guarantees water delivery of a lower reaches of the river of Syrdarya in all years water availability and will allow to improve water-inflow to delta and Aral sea, will reduce fluctuation of a water level in Northern part of Aral sea.
Koksarai conterregulator will raise efficiency of use of water resources and will provide a deep estuary irrigation lagoons.
Now works on the basic constructions of a conterregulator as a whole are executed and ready for reception of water in design volume.
By results of check of a course of construction of object, with participation of the customer, the general designer, survey of constructions, check of work of the equipment, systems of electrosupply, automatics RSE «Gosexpertiza» has given out the design organization of the remark which are necessary for eliminating on object prior to the beginning of work working and state acceptance the commissions.