Within the limits of the project «electronic government" RSE “Gosexpertiza” has introduced system of electronic informing on a course of expert works. On June, 21st, 2011 in RSE “Gosexpertiza” took place presentation of system of electronic informing on a course of expert works in which deputies of Mazhilis and the Senate of Parliament RK, representatives of the state agencies, heads of the design and building organizations have taken part. Introduction of system of electronic informing on a course of expert works will allow to raise an openness and a transparency of carrying out of state expert appraisal, the responsibility of employees of state expertise and general designers for quality and terms of carrying out of expert works. Any interested person can trace in online-mode a course of expert works under the interesting project, to familiarize with structure of expert group, and also remarks of experts under the design documentation, dates of elimination of remarks designers and other information. Start of the given system has established the rigid control over terms of carrying out of examination. In system it is visible, when the expert made remarks, and in what terms they are eliminated by the designer. Alongside with it, on a web-site the information under projects which issued the conclusion of state expert review is placed. Within the limits of presentation opinions of the invited participants on system of electronic informing on a course of expert works have been listened. So, in the performance the Deputy of the Senate of Parliament RK Omarov К.О. has reminded, that during the different periods attempts to liquidate state expertise were undertaken, to transfer its functions in a private sector. Practice confirms a urgency of the current model of examination of the design-budget documentation. «In Kazakhstan no more than 10 design organizations which work without serious remarks» - it has emphasized. Omarov К.О. has expressed satisfaction to that state expertise became opened, and data on its activity are accessible to contractors and other interested persons. About an anticorruption orientation of electronic system the deputy of Mazhilis of Parliament RK Esilov S.S. has noted «One of priority problems today - to prevent rise in price design-budget documentation”. “Agency RK on affairs of construction and housing and communal services take measures on improvement of quality of design works, introduction of categorical licenses for the design organizations, to toughening of requirements to the design companies. Introduction RSE «Gosexpertiza» systems of electronic informing of the public about a course of expert works one more serious step on this way» - said deputy chairman of Agency RK on affairs of construction and housing and communal services Akimzhanov D.A. "The system integrates all information in the work not only at headquarters but also in all regional divisions RSE "Gosexpertiza" in a uniform electronic database. The information on the design-budget documentation, acting on state expertise, except for a confidential part, is operatively placed on a site www.gosexpertiza.kz and updated weekly» - general director RSE "Gosexpertiza" Yerezhepov B.B.'s has told to all participants.