For these two decades the analysis and an expert estimation of design decisions and budget calculations of steel by one of responsible parts in a circuit competent designing - qualitative construction - steady and safe functioning of objects. The role of state expert appraisal of projects in sphere of protection of the state and public interests is difficult for overestimating. Data speak about it on results of activity of all divisions of Gosexpertiza and its Headquarters all. For last years when investment activity in the field of designing and constructions has sharply increased deeply symbolically that our anniversary has actually coincided with a general professional holiday in the Builder`s Day.
Management RSE “Gosexpertiza” whole-hearted congratulates you, dear colleagues, on this significant date in a life of our enterprise, and also with Builder`s Day!
We wish all of you both your close and native the big happiness, a good health, successes in work and in a life!
The general director
Yerezhepov B.